Your First Swift 4 & iOS 12 App Online Course – Day 3

Day 3


How does the app work?


  • An app is composed of objects that can send messages to each other.
  • Most of the objects are provided by the iOS, example UIButton, UIAlertController, etc.
  • The remaining objects are created by us, for example, ViewController.
  • In iOS, apps are event-driven.


Learning iOS Development Day 3 What happens when we click "Hit Me" Button
What happens when we click “Hit Me” Button


Portrait vs Landscape


  • In iOS, screen dimensions are measured in points. In older devices, 1 point = 1 pixel. Right now the plus devices had 1 point = 3 pixels.
  • To change the orientation of our app to landscape – Click on BullsEye in project navigator -> Select BullsEye in Target part -> In the general area, scroll down to the Device Orientation and uncheck portrait. Now run the app, the app stays in landscape mode even when we rotate the device.


Adding all UI Elements


Next, I added all the UI elements of the app on the screen using the objects of UIKit.


Learning iOS Development Day 3 Adding all the UI Elements
Adding all the UI Elements