How to create new project in Android Studio
In this video, we learn how to create a new project in android studio.
Before starting, you will need to install Android Studio on your computers. If you have not installed the Android Studio on your computers and need help. Please visit this post.
The version for Android Studio in this video is 2.2.3. If you have older version or a new version, some screens will differ in the way they look. But the whole process is almost the same.
So open android studio.

Click on “Start a New Android Studio Project”
This window opens.

Now add a project name of your choice. I am giving this project a name of “NewProjectDemo”
Next is Company Domain. You can go with the default domain which appears here or write your own domain name. Like for example, I use i.e. the name of my site and also the channel.
Next is the location at which you want to save the project. You can go with the default location specified here. Or you can choose your own location. For that, you can click on the icon next to Project Location. This opens the folder structure of your computer. You go to the place where you want to save your project and click ok. But for now, for this project, we will go with the default location.
Click on Next.

Now android studio is asking for you to select the target device for your app. Target device is the device on which your app will run. Now you have to decide which type of app you want to create. You want to create an app for a phone. Or you want to create an app for watch. Or you want to create an app for TV. Or you want to create an app for any other devices mentioned here. For our example we will create an app for phone. So we will select the first option.
Next you see that the minimum sdk is set to API 15: Android 4.0.3 Icecream Sandwich.
And how do you choose the minimum sdk level?
For that you can click on “Help me choose” link.

The graph here shows here the android version and percentage of devices covered if you select that version. So if you select Android 6 then your app will run only on devices with android version 6 and above (just 4.7 percent of all the android devices currently available in the world). But if you choose android version 4 ie icecream sandwhich your app will be able to function on 97% of the devices world wide which is a significant amount. So you see that choosing android version 4 is better for us as our app will run on more number of devices.
You can go back. By clicking on “OK”
Now keep min SDK at API 15 and press next.

These are all templates provided by Android Studio. By selecting any one of these templates, Android Studio will create a project with files having default data for you.
You can have a basic activity which include a floating button if that is something you are looking for. Or You have Empty Acitvity which includes nothing. Or You can start with Maps Activity or Login Activity, if that is your purpose. But if you start from scratch and you don’t know which of these activities you might need, you can start with empty activity. And always add any of these activities later in the project as they are needed.
So we will start with “Empty Activity” and click on “Next”.

You can change the name of the main activity and the layout file here if you want to. If you don’t want, just click on finish.

Now Android Studio is building your project. It might take few minutes. Have some patience.

Android Studio opens the project successfully.
Now the project is created and we can start building those apps!