I am back from a vacation. I would get back and complete my Android Tutorial series soon. But meanwhile, I have started to work on my android application called “DelightfullDiscoveries”.
If you guys follow me, I have another blog called Delightfull Discoveries where I publish recipes and book reviews. I decided to create an app for that blog and publish it on Google App Store. It is one of my goals for this year.
In this series DD App, I will be publishing my progress. The posts will be published on every alternate day.
Since I am building this app incrementally, the final app will be totally different from the interim screenshots we will see in each post.
Today I employed 2 Pomodoros, i.e. 50 minutes for the application development.
Here is what I did today:
- Created a new project “DelightfullDiscoveries“.
- Changed the ConstraintsLayout to LinearLayout in the layout_main.xml.
- Added ScrollView as the main element in LinearLayout.
- Then added a TextView to the ScrollView. This TextView is going to hold the test data for now.
- Implemented the menu, will add more functionality later.
- Using git for version control. Created a local git repository for the project. Then added initial code to the master branch. Next created a working branch where I am committing the changes I make.
Files Edited: MainActivity.java, activity_main.xml.
This is how the app looks right now.

Thanks for reading, see you all in the next post.