Clean Architecture – Chapter 13 | Component Cohesion

In our previous post, we went through what a component is? Next question that comes is – Which classes go in which component? This chapter defines three principles to keep into mind while grouping classes into components – 

  1. REP: The Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle
  2. CCP: The Common Closure Principle
  3. CRP: The Common Reuse Principle

The Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle

The granule of reuse is the granule of release.

Robert Martin

All of us are familiar with module management softwares like maven, gradle, etc. These software helps us reuse classes from other dependencies in our projects. We have seen that every module that is part of these systems comes with a release process and release numbers. 

The release numbers and the release documentation helps the consumer in deciding whether to move to new version or remain on an old one. 

REP, on architectural level means that classes which form a component must belong to a cohesive group. They should not be a random group of classes, but should have some theme/purpose which they all share. In other words, classes in a component should be releasable together. 

What would be the outcome if we group random classes together? The consumers would know about it, they would know that they depend on our package and it has classes which don’t make any sense to be in our package. They would know that any change in those classes would also unnecessary force them to change. This would show our weak architectural skills.

This principle, although very important, gives a weak advice. It says similar classes should be grouped together, but, doesn’t have a strong criteria that architects can follow. The weakness of this principle is compensated by the other two principles. 

The Common Closure Principle

Gather into components those classes that change for the same reasons at the same time. Separate into different components those classes that change at different times and for different reasons.

Robert Martin

This is similar to Single Responsibility Principle. SRP stated to keep methods that change for different reasons in separate classes. CCP states to keep classes that change for different reasons in separate components. 

Following this principle ensures that if something needs to change then only one component is affected as it has all classes related to that change. We would need to only redploy that component. The other components who depend on that component would not change. 

This principle is also similar to Open Closed Principle. OCP states that classes should be closed for modification, but open for extension. CCP augments this principle by keeping the classes which are closed to same type of changes together in one component. So, if change comes in requirements, only few components change.

The Common Reuse Principle

Don’t force users of a component to depend on things they don’t need.

Robert Martin

This principle keeps the classes that can be reused together into same component. 

When component uses even one class from another component, a dependency is created between them. If the used component has other classes which the using component doesn’t depend on. Then any change in those classes would force using component to have changes as well. 

So, when we depend on a component we need to be sure we are using all the classes in that component. It means, we want to keep together the classes that are inseparable (impossible to depend on one and not on others) in to one component.

Tension diagram for component cohesion


The above diagram shows the tension diagram for component cohesion. The edges of the diagram define the cost of abandoning principle on the opposite vertex.

If an architect focuses on REP and CRP then he will find too many components which change when a new requirement comes. If an architect focuses on CRP and CCP, then he will find he has too many components which are hard to reuse. If an architect focuses on REP and CCP then he will find he has components which have very frequent releases. 

A good architect will need to find a position in the triangle which meets the concerns of the current development team, but would also be aware that those concerns will change over time. 

For example, when I started working recently on a new project which is rearchitecting current system, our focus initially has been on CCP. We have many components which have classes that change together. At the same time, we have many classes which are reusable together, but currently they are in different components. But as the project matures, things have been changing and we are moving more towards REP. 

In conclusion, we need to start grouping classes together into components, we must consider opposing forces involved in reusability and develop-ability. And also acknowledge, that partitioning that is relevant today might not be relevant in future, but would keep on evolving. 

Thanks for stopping by! I hope this gives a good preview into component cohesion. Eager to hear your thoughts and chat, please leave comments below and we can discuss. 

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