An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python (Part 1 & 2)

An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python


Source – Coursera

Year – May 2014

Review – This is one of the first courses that I completed back in 2014. The format of this course triggered my exploration of many more online courses. That time python was new to me.

It introduces python concepts through the development of small games. This feature especially makes the course fun and easy. The other thing that I liked was the online python editor on which one can develop and test applications. No need to install python on a machine. This was useful for me as I didn’t have any machine during that time. I would recommend this course totally to all python beginners.

Projects & Overview- 

The concept of statements, expressions, variables, functions, logic, and conditions was introduced using a simple example and tested by developing a simple rock-paper-scissors game.

The next project “Guess the number” – a simple guessing game taught how to take user input in python and basics of event driven programming. The game involved taking user input and displaying whether user guessed number correctly based on that input(event).

The concepts involving drawing on canvas was taught using another simple game “Stopwatch“. Here we implemented buttons. The buttons controlled the display of stopwatch numbers on the screen.

The next project “PingPong” combined all the above concepts and introduced the concept of lists, keyboard input, and motion. Right paddle is controlled using “w” and “s” and left paddle is controlled using up and down key.

Memory Game” also combines the concepts of lists, mouse events and draw methods.

The next mini project was “Blackjack” using concept of classes and objects.

Spaceship was the final graded project which combined all the concepts in the course. The game involved a spaceship hitting meteors using missiles. If missile hit meteor, your score increases and if spaceship hits a meteor, player looses one life.

An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python
An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python